Extracurricular activities: your observation field

Getting to know your child through their extracurricular activities

Soccer, judo, dance or swimming. The first years of school life are often accompanied by so-called “extracurricular” activities, a term that speaks volumes. As parents, do we place these activities in the sphere of pure leisure, relaxation or do we not seek to “perfect” education with other skills, other “plus” assuming a “victory”? It is […]

Being happy begins at home

The school, often criticized for not doing enough, can do very little without our family education. Yet our agendas do not allow us to be as assiduous as we would like for the schooling of our children. Our displeasure with their ill will is commonplace. Our fears of failing school tease us without us knowing […]

Share a quiet moment with your child

Partager un moment de calme avec votre enfant

End of holidays: it is time to take back the daily newspaper and, for our children, the way of the school. What if it was an opportunity to revitalize our role as a parent? Of course, replacing regular rhythms, without going to bed late, without screens before going to bed, with less sugar and noise, […]

How to cook replaces holiday homework

Louison, aussi têtu qu’un coureur du Tour de France, n’en démord pas : il veut faire un gâteau aujourd’hui. Là maintenant, avec vous. Savez-vous que vous tenez une occasion inespérée de lui faire faire ses devoirs de vacances ??? Essayez : faites de la cuisine avec vos enfants pendant vos congés. C’est tout aussi profitable […]

The joker de Paris, the temple of board-games

Le Joker de Paris, temple des jeux de société

The board games are edited by the thousands Yet, it contains thousands of games of all kinds. There is floor to ceiling, in the true sense of the word. And the boss says he is offered nearly 800 a year. Above all, the store is animated by a passionate: kind of Google of the board […]

Offer your child Guatemala worry dolls

Offer your child Guatemala worry dolls

A very caring friend (a friend, what!) has just offered me worry dolls from Guatemala … In Spanish, they are known under the name of Quitapenas, in other words “Leave bitterness” … and that’s well the real power that these tiny figurines diffuse! The Quitepenas, it works! Entrust your worries It is well known: giving […]