To put an end to the dictatorship of the rose for girls. Stop locking them up in this representation: it will help their school guidance!
Spreads of rose
The 30-year-old generation of "Yeurk" moms when they pronounce the word "feminism" but take advantage of all its advantages, is also very convinced by its women's magazine that the soldier "Mari", crushed by the " new "power of women ... and in a strange momentum ... of logic ... does not finish to spread his female offspring of pink.
The entrance to a toy store or Disneyland remains in 2019 a breathtaking caricature: no way out of the pink for girls. No way to open the door on other possible. The boys have traded for a long time baby blue for camouflage khaki, curious fantasy for little boys raised by young men, or even grandfathers who have never seen a near or far conflict. The war we are unscathed fascinates.
Meanwhile, our legislators are rallying to put in place mechanisms of equality in the work. But it is at the school stage, in the context of education that must be invested!
When you are given (it is my case) to hear a thirty-year-old man frankly support you that, if there is so much unemployment, it is because the women started to work (he was hardly born), it is said that it would be better to place the econocroques of the State on the youngest. No ?